Two events prompted me to update my will: My upcoming trip
to Europe and my soon-to-be-released sixth book. Yup.
Time to get my literary affairs in order.
The questions driving my action: When I die, who’s going to take care of my
books? And who gets to rake in the
royalties for sales? (She said, hopefully.) Finally, in light of what happened to Harper Lee, what happens to the unfinished books under my bed?
I’ve been reading articles about literary wills over the
years, each time, thinking, Do this! Now, I am
not an attorney and I did not consult one to check my process, so please don't take this as legal advice. Google and author
friends suggested this path; I needed a cheap shortcut so I took it. I found the following article on line, and used some wording from it: Julian Block, who writes about
helping our heirs in the December 2014 issue of RWR says more about the
issues in her blog. I'm going to put a copy of each of these articles in with my will to help my executors with their duties.
I already had a will (a living trust), so what I decided to do was attach a
codicil to my existing document. I found
the form for a codicil on line and adjusted it for my own needs. Grab a copy of that bare-bones document on the end of this entry.
The duties and rights of my executor:
(Executor will have the sole and exclusive right to make all decisions
regarding appropriate publication, republication, sale, license or other
exploitation of _________’s works.
Executor will not be responsible for preparing unfinished or unpublished
manuscripts for publication and seeing those works through publication.
Executor will have the right to terminate copyright licenses and contracts with
Executor will have the right to market ____________’s works as he/she sees fit.
Executor will have the power to destroy any letters or papers he/she believes
should be destroyed.
Executor receives a 15% commission for services and will be reimbursed for
expenses, maintaining a separate bank account for such monies, distributing
shares (as determined in the Last Will and Testament) at times of his/her
• The Executor will have the sole right to
sue for infringement of copyrights.
Executor will have the authority to pay attorneys, agents, subagents and
the event the Executor (________) is unwilling or unable to perform his duties,
his successors as stated on Page 1, “Family, Executor Identified,” will be _____,
_______, then_________
This last bullet is key. I thought long and hard about which of my
friends and/or relatives would most likely have the skill to execute my wishes
after my death and after my husband’s death.
I have a younger brother who writes/publishes non-fiction so he was an
obvious first executor, but I also wanted to name a successor from the younger
generation, and chose a niece. She is a
financial wizard and good with social media.
I checked with my potential executors to see if they were willing to take on these duties, then I had the codicil witnessed, notarized and attached to my will. I sent a copy of the will and amendment to my executor.
Whew! I feel better. Now my job is to keep a folder updated with what's going on with each book and where to find my important passwords.
Something easier to talk about: here’s the fifth book I’ve just released, called FEAR
Check out my website:
“Rolynn Anderson’s
writing is tight and stays on point, always following the plot
to the nail-biting
climax.” –Melissa Snark
hates to hear rants from people’s brains.
What does she do when those mind-screams threaten
man she loves?
Rosella, an acclaimed psychiatrist who helps children fraught with anxiety, avoids
adults because their brains rant at her.
But the chance to start a second
child study and connect her findings to PTSD, sets her squarely among devious
colleagues at a big California university.
Major Cole Messer, Tally’s new neighbor, won’t admit that trauma from combat
tours in Afghanistan, destroyed his marriage and hampered his ability to
lead. As a teacher of college ROTC and
single parent, he’s focused on enrolling his highly anxious son in Tally’s
study and getting back to active duty.
is dead set against Tally’s presence at the university, and blowback from her
battles with co-workers put Cole and his son in jeopardy. Watch what happens when people struggling
with shades of anxiety collide with corrupt, revengeful foes.
Codicil to Last Will and
of ___________
I, _________,
the Testator, being of legal age and of sound and disposing mind, memory, and
understanding, and not acting under fraud, duress or the undue influence of any
person whomsoever, do hereby make, publish and declare this to be a Codicil to
my Last Will dated _____, and located with/at ____________
Amendments are boldfaced:
I amend that section
entitled Family, Executor Identified,
paragraph Second, commencing on Page
1 of my Last Will, such that after this amendment it will read as follows:
ARTICLE Second: (A) Executor.
I name _________executor of this Will.
If ________ fails or ceases to serve, _________ shall serve as
executor. __________ fails or ceases to
serve, ________ shall serve as executor.
If ________ fails or ceases to
serve, ______ shall serve as executor. If
C__________ fails or ceases to serve, _________ shall serve as executor.
I amend that section
entitled POWERS commencing on Page __ of my Last Will, such that after this
amendment it will read as follows:
The (Executor will have the sole and exclusive right to make all decisions regarding
appropriate publication, republication, sale, license or other exploitation of
____________’s works.
Executor will not be responsible for preparing unfinished or unpublished
manuscripts for publication and seeing those works through publication.
Executor will have the right to terminate copyright licenses and contracts with
Executor will have the right to market _________’s works as he/she sees
Executor will have the power to destroy any letters or papers he/she believes
should be destroyed.
Executor receives a 15% commission for services and will be reimbursed for
expenses, maintaining a separate bank account for such monies, distributing
shares (as determined in the Last Will and Testament) at times of his/her
The Executor will have the sole right to
sue for infringement of copyrights.
Executor will have the authority to pay attorneys, agents, subagents and
the event the Executor (________) is unwilling or unable to perform his duties,
his successors as stated on Page 1, “Family, Executor Identified,” will be _____,
_______, then_________
I republish and reaffirm my Last Will,
and any previous Codicils as amended by this Codicil as if such Will and
Codicil(s) were set out in this Codicil in full, and incorporate it/them by
this reference to such Will, and republish and declare my Last Will, as
amended, to be my Last Will.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set
my hand at __City and State___ on Date:_____________
______________________________ _______________
SIGNATURE Printed Name

County of: ___________
Each of the undersigned, being first
duly sworn, states that:
1) I am over the age of eighteen (18)
years and competent to be a Witness to the Codicil of _____________, the
(2) The Testator, in my presence and in
the presence of the other Witness whose signature appears below:
(a) Declared the foregoing instrument,
consisting of two (2) pages, of which this is the last, to be Testator’s
(b) Requested the other Witness and me
to act as Witnesses, and to make this affidavit; and
(c) Signed such instrument.
(3) I believe the Testator to be of
sound mind, and that, in so declaring and signing, Testator was not acting
under any duress, menace, fraud, or undue influence.
(4) The other Witness and I, in the
presence of the Testator, and of each other, now here affix our signatures.
_______________________________ ___________________________
________________________________ ___________________________
______________________________ _________________________________
______________________________ _________________________________
SIGNED before me
on:_____________ _________________________
Notary Public
My appointment
__________________, COUNTY:_____________________, STATE:______________
2 of 2 – CODICIL TO LAST WILL and Testament
of __________________