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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I'm Talking about Going to Hollywood on JustSuspense by Rolynn Anderson

The journey begins.  In one week, I'm going to Hollywood to try pitching my six suspense novels.  I have my 'one sheets' ready, and I've got a positive attitude.  Check out how I've prepared:  Here’s my blog entry on Just Romantic Suspense: http://www.justromanticsuspense.com

Please share this tweet!  Thanks, Rolynn

Thursday, March 3, 2016

I'm a guest on Casi McClean's Blog today-take a look!

I wasn’t even aware that writing a series would help me work through grief, but it did. Now that I’m done, I can see it! How about you? Do you use writing to ‘work through a thing’? I’m giving away an e-book of Faint to a random responder.  http://casimclean.com/rolynn-anderson/

Here's the tweet: https://twitter.com/rolynnanderson/status/705406056524951552